Friday, 28 August 2015

Everyone Starts Somewhere...

If I can do it, anyone can do it.  This is me. Yes, top and bottom.  The top, I'm about 3 months post partum after my first born, 9 years ago. I was never a fitness (or healthy) person.  I avoided all sports at school and always used asthma as an excuse. I probably always found anything I could as an excuse. I did not do exercise and I told myself I couldn't do exercise, so what was the point.  I ate what I wanted, when I wanted.  Sugar, processed, take aways, all the bad stuff, you get the picture.

So, how did I get to the bottom picture?

Well, firstly let me tell you, there are NO QUICK FIXES!
It took me a good 6/7 years to realise this.  Years of telling myself I'll diet and go to the gym (lasted about 2 days then I'd try again a year later).  It took 6 years for something to finally click in my head, if I wanted things to change then I had to do something different.  I had to change.

I will admit, I didn't jump into fitness for my body.  I needed to change my whole lifestyle.  I needed something for my mental health as well as my physical health.  Once I fell in love with feeling great from health and fitness the other great physical benefits followed.  So you have to make that decision to do this for YOU! YOU have to want it. YOU have to put the effort in and be dedicated to making that initial change.  Its a lifestyle!

So, what was my fitness routine?

Cheap and Simple!

You need: 1 pair of trainers, water, the outside and a positive mind!

I taught myself how to run.  Yes that's right, I was so bad at exercise I didn't even know how to run so I had to learn and I did! Every other day...
Run for 1 minute
Walk for 1 minute
x 10

Ta Dah...You've ran! Feel proud! I did!
This slowly increased and the walking slowly decreased until I could run 20 mins non stop.  It was the best feeling ever.  Can I do this now?  I'd like to say no, I haven't ran in over a year,  of course not.  Then that'll go against everything I'm trying to tell you guys.  Of course I can do this, I just need to start somewhere again.  Don't put pressure on yourself to be able to run like a long distant runner who's trained to run non stop for an hour.  You are YOU! Don't worry about what everyone else is doing.  Go out there and be proud of that 1 minute you can run.  Be proud that you are determined, dedicated and up for a challenge! YOU ROCK!

I'll add on about how you should add strength training with your new running plan
  in another post.

Let Me Add...

The bottom picture was the start of my weight lifting training.  I spent too much time, like a lot of newbies, doing cardio.  Then I got educated on weight training benefits and things improved from here.  So this picture isn't where I stayed and I am far from it now too, so don't be fooled in believing this is me now.  I have had a baby.  My body has been through a lot over the past year and I'm back on this journey again and its a whole new one, new life, new routine, no pressure.

Follow me.  I'll give advice on what I've learnt so far and what I am learning now. 
I'm 4 months post partum.  I'm single, I'm on a budget and I am normal.  I have limited time but I know I can do this.  I love this life.  I'm enjoying getting my kids involved so follow us and see what we get up to to stay fit, healthy and most importantly happy together!